
I’ve got your creative needs covered. Do you have an idea but don’t know how to execute it? I’m your #1 hype man.

Package 1

“Is this camera rolling?”

  • Maybe you just want a headshot or a collection of 8-10 jpegs for that photo dump on your social media.

  • See: A brief recap of a small scale event, like a child’s birthday, soft opening of a restaurant, or lifestyle pictures.

  • Rewrite a few social media posts with pizazz. Get editorial for that one local bands poster. Request a slogan for your brand.

Package 2

“We’re rolling”

  • A creative, mid level shoot between 10-15 jpegs.

  • A recap of an event with a max of 10-15 images. See: a festival, an adult’s birthday, graduation photos, or BTS images on a film set.

  • Editorial written for 30 second to 1 minute sketches. Mission statements for branding.

Package 3

“Aaaaand… ACTION!”

  • You’ve had this crazy idea in your head for months, and would like someone to execute it with the power of 1,000 suns. Could be anything from a fashion lookbook to a magazine cover. Maximum amount is 30 images.

  • Created to cover large-scale events like weddings, protests, and other on-the-ground reportage.

  • Includes producing copy for full-scale branding rollouts, help with merchandise/personal branding, and scripts for short form content.

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